Open with Notepad
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Welcome to Open with Notepad
Thank you for installing and using our extension
Install and open.
- After installing the extension. You right click on the file you wish to open with Notepad++ and choose "Open with Notepad++" using the context menu.
If you need to edit source code, you'll want something that has powerful searching and replacing, syntax highlighting, auto-completion, code folding and more.
For example, JSON syntax highlighting makes it easy to tell the difference between numbers and strings. Meanwhile, intelligent identifiers automatically scan your code for errors, so you can focus on what matters most -- writing clean, functional code.
Notepad++ is very lighweight software and has a small installation package. It comes with a lot of features and the ability to be customized in many ways. Notepad++ is actively developed, constantly updated and has a huge user community to help you out if anything goes wrong.
Code editors are applications that enable programmers to write software code, markup and other computer languages. There are different kinds of code editors for different platforms, including Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Some popular ones include Notepad++, PSPad and Sublime Text.
- Install the Extension
After installing the extension, click on the icon
on the toolbar.

Easily open desired links in the Notepad++
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